
Initial Consult

  • $450 for up to 50 minute appointment (inclusive of admin time preparing and reviewing your health questionnaire, creating a management plan, corresponding with your primary healthcare team and reviewing your lab results). 


Follow-up appointments

  • $200 for up to 25 minute appointment

  • $400 for up to 50 minute appointment

  • Brief telephone follow-up: $60-$90 

  • Email consultation/queries: $66 per 10 minutes of email time


Repeat Prescriptions**

  • $30


Gynae Procedures


  • ​Insertion $300 ($340 removal if done at the same time)

  • Removal depends on complexity $200-$250 (dependant on complexity)

Please enquire via email​ or during your consult


** As per the NZ Healthcare System the prescriptions I provide are charged at $10-15 per item by the pharmacy.​